Model Beauty Routine: Jeanette Schock

Model Beauty Routine: Jeanette Schock


Breaking the silence with the latest Model Beauty Routine. This week on Model Beauty Routine, we caught up with LA-based model Jeanette Schock. Read on for her biggest skin care tips and exactly which products she uses to keep her skin glowing.


Tell us about yourself? 

Born in Germany, Raised in Florida and now in LA living. I recently moved to LA to pursue acting, modeling and any other open door that comes my way. I feel alive and at peace when I paint, when I box, sing, and explore new areas and talents of the world. Funny enough, I was the biggest tomboy growing up BUT I was a competitive and high school cheerleader. I wore gym shorts by day and a skirt and lipstick by night.


What does beauty mean to you? 

Beauty means everything. I praise inner beauty more and I think that's very important nowadays. When your beauty is pure within then your radiance shows from the outside. It's an amazing thing. 


How does skincare fit into your lifestyle as a model? 

Skincare is key! Especially during these times of masks and unexpected outbursts. I think about my skin sometimes more often than my hair and I love my hair. Skincare is a morning, day, and night thing, you can't miss it. I have my esthetician license so I have been able to learn how important it really is... how important it is to include scrubs, masques, hydrafacials, daily toner, moisturizer, serums, and most importantly SPF on a weekly and daily basis. 


What's your go-to ingredient in your favorite skincare? 

My favorite ingredient so far would have to be Jojoba oil because it is not heavy, it moisturizes your skin naturally due to the sebum in the oil that we also produce already naturally.


What is your favorite Skin Gym beauty tool? 

My favorite beauty tool by Skin Gym would have to be the mini Rose Quartz Roller because despite it being mini, I am able to use it not only under my eyes but all over my face and it fits in my wallet perfectly!


What products & tools do you include in your skincare routine?

I have a rubber scrubber that has really made a difference in my skin. It is not too harsh on the skin, takes off any oils and makeup (with the right product,) easy to clean and has prevented any deep acne papules from getting bigger due to the deep cleansing!


What is your hero product or tool? 

I cannot leave the house without my Mario Badescu Rosewater Toner, It brightens and hydrates my skin always! Most of the time, my face becomes familiar with the products I use which leads me to switching products out frequently but this toner has not let me down!


Any latest beauty trends you’re currently loving? 

I am currently loving not wearing no makeup! When you have a great skin routine, great moisturizer, oil and serum, leaving the house with just that looks better than my face covered with foundation. Even while having a blemish or two!


What is your go-to for relaxing after a long day?

I find most of my tricks on social media, and or my mom! She has been studying skin for over a decade now and she always gives me tips on how to keep my skin bright and healthy!


What is your go-to for relaxing after a long day?

When I get home from a long day, first things first, I always wash my face with warm water and apply toner. I can't remain going throughout the day knowing my face needs to be refreshed. 


What is one skincare secret you are willing to give away? 

These three are self-explanatory that I think are very important and I live by — stop touching your face, stop going to sleep without cleaning your face, and use a scrub! I know of so many people who have never touched a scrub. It's important to scrub your face at least twice a week to make sure dead skin has been removed so your pores can breathe. This is one of the main reasons people have trouble with blackheads and pimples because skin is trapped over the pore which clogs them!


Follow Jeanette: @jeanette.schock