Model Beauty Routine: Taylor Blair

It's Wednesday again, which means a new Skin Gym's Model Beauty Routine. We got in touch with Los Angeles based model, Taylor Blair, to find out what is in her skincare routine and what skincare secrets she's currently loving. Let's find out!
Tell us about yourself?
I’m 22 years old, I’m from Michigan but moved to LA in January to model full time. I’m very, very, very, family and friend oriented. My people are definitely the most important thing to me! I’m also kinda a nerd, I love to read, and write.
What does beauty mean to you?
Beauty is something I have always loved, ever since I was little. All aspects. Growing up I think I centered beauty more on getting my hair & makeup done, which don’t get me wrong I still absolutely love! But as I get older I’m really into natural beauty, taking care of my body, & making sure I’m beautiful on the inside.
How does skincare fit into your lifestyle as a model?
Skincare became incredibly important once I started modeling. I actually had to take a break from it early on because my skin was so broken out and I couldn’t fix it! Now, I’ve figured out what works for me, to keep my skin happy, and healthy. Even if I wasn’t a model, I’d still put a lot of emphasis on my skincare. This is my body and skin forever so I might as well take care of it, and I love the way I feel when I do.
What's your go-to ingredient in your favorite skincare?
My go to is definitely salicylic acid! Acne has always been my biggest struggle so using that always helps keep my acne under control.
What is your favorite Skin Gym beauty tool?
I actually haven’t used a Skin Gym beauty tool just yet, but it’s on the list for sure!
What products & tools do you include in your skincare routine?
My skincare routine consists of a face wash, a toner, an oil, and moisturizer in the morning, and at night a cleanser, a toner, an oil, a treatment, & moisturizer.
What is your hero product or tool?
My hero product is easily my Sunday Riley Good Genes. This has been my staple product for a good two years. My skin hates when I don’t have it so I refuse to go without.
Any latest beauty trends you’re currently loving?
The nose contour! Seems odd but there’s nothing I love more than when a makeup artist can snatch my nose. I also love the thick eyebrows. I get mine laminated and people always compliment me on them!
Where do you go to find beauty tips & tricks?
I usually go on Instagram, Tik Tok, or Pinterest!
What is your go-to for relaxing after a long day?
My go to for relaxing after a long day is definitely a long hot, hot, hot, shower and crawling into bed. After long shoot days, I need to get all 12 pounds of makeup off my face immediately!!
What is one skincare secret you are willing to give away?
Not a secret, but I just realized how important sunscreen is! I used to never wear it because I thought I was more tan toned and I didn’t need to, but I was certainly wrong.
Follow @tay_blair